Flower delivery in Breda

Surprise someone and deliver a beautiful bouquet of flowers in Breda? Order directly from the local florist in Breda and have the bouquet delivered today or choose a specific date.

You can say anything with flowers. Show someone how much you care with a beautiful bunch of roses, encourage someone with a cheerful field bouquet or thank someone special with a colourful gift. Every bouquet you order from us is carefully assembled from 100% fresh flowers and is guaranteed to stay beautiful for seven days. Are you ordering before 14:00 on weekdays or before 12:00 on Saturdays? Then you can have your bouquet delivered today.

Order a bouquet of flowers in Breda

  • Your sustainable florist in Breda
  • 9.5/10 customer rating
  • Always 7 days freshness guarantee

#1 quality florist in Breda

De Duinroos has been a household name in the Dutch flower world for over ninety years. We know better than anyone how to create the perfect bouquet. We start with the best quality flowers. By taking good care of them and choosing the most beautiful flowers for each bouquet, we manage to create a bouquet that makes everyone happy. A lot is possible. For many bouquets we use popular classics such as dahlias, gerberas and carnations, complemented by seasonal flowers such as tulips and peonies. Take a look at our collection and discover the beautiful bouquets we currently offer!

Breda's green florist

Even more than our rich history, as florists we look to the future. How do we ensure that we can continue to surprise people with colourful and fragrant bouquets in a responsible way for the next ninety years? We believe the best way is to be at the forefront of sustainability. That is why we have chosen to sell flowers that are truly sustainably grown. We also go the extra mile in the areas of energy, transport and packaging to minimise our impact on the planet. This is one of the reasons why we meet all the stringent requirements to carry the Barometer Sustainable Florist label and call ourselves a green florist.

Have flowers delivered in Breda

Our Breda florist: ordered before 14:00, delivered the same day

We can assure you that every bouquet you order from us is worth the wait. But we also understand that you want to make that special someone happy as soon as possible. That is why you can choose to have your flowers delivered the same day at our flower shop in Breda. Please note that you must order before 14:00 on weekdays and before 12:00 on Saturdays. Order later? The bouquet will be delivered the next day. Unfortunately, it cannot be delivered on Sundays, as our florists enjoy their well-earned rest.

Breda flower delivery for any occasion

We know better than anyone that a flower is never inappropriate. A beautiful bouquet will always bring a smile to the recipient's face, no matter what the occasion. On the other hand, there are days when a beautiful floral arrangement adds extra value. That is why we have specially selected bouquets for special occasions. For example, look here for special birthday bouquets. For Mother's Day you can make her very happy with these flowers and is Christmas coming up? Then consider a Christmas bouquet to make these days extra festive.

Order your flowers now

Order your flowers directly in Breda

Want to make someone happy today with a fresh bunch of flowers? Or would you like to have them delivered on that special day? Order one of our unique bouquets now. Add a personal message, choose a delivery time and press order. Our sustainable florist in Breda will then ensure that the flowers are delivered to you at your chosen time.

Have flowers delivered in Breda

Have flowers delivered today

🚚 Lightning fast delivery throughout the Netherlands!

Through our website you can have flowers delivered anywhere in the Netherlands. We have a nationwide network of professional florists and deliver to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Leeuwarden, Maastricht and Middelburg.

We are your florist in North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, North Brabant, Limburg, Zeeland, Gelderland, Groningen, Friesland, Overijssel, Drenthe and Flevoland.

Order flowers now

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which parts of Breda do you deliver to?

In all neighbourhoods! From the centre to Bavel and from Prinsenbeek to Teteringen, our delivery people will ring your doorbell with a smile. You can even have a beautiful bouquet delivered in the surrounding villages of Etten-Leur and Oosterhout.

When will my bouquet be delivered?

The flowers you order from us will be delivered at a time of your choosing. It could be today, or it could be your aunt's birthday three months from now. Want to make someone happy today? Make sure you order before 14:00 (and 12:00 on Saturdays). This will give our florist time to assemble your bouquet.

What is so sustainable about your bouquets?

A very good question, because many companies today practice greenwashing: making claims about sustainability that they have no way of substantiating. Fortunately, we can do this very clearly with our Barometer Sustainable Florist label. To get (and keep) this label, we have to regularly prove that our flowers are grown sustainably. We are also audited in many other areas, such as our energy consumption and the way we package bouquets.

Can I also have funeral flowers delivered to you in Breda?

You can also contact De Duinroos for special occasions such as a funeral. We have extensive experience in providing funeral wreaths, coffin decorations and funeral decorations. Please see our special page for funeral flowers.

I would like to send flowers anonymously, is that possible?

Do you want to surprise someone with a colourful bouquet of flowers, but would rather remember who sent it? You can! Simply do not mention your name on the card and the recipient will not be able to see who sent the flowers. Tip: do not use words in your personal message that only you would use or do ;-)

What are your delivery rates?

We charge a delivery fee of EUR 6.95 to ensure the perfect delivery of your bouquet.

Do you guarantee that the flowers will stay beautiful for a long time?

Of course! After receiving your order, our florist will assemble the bouquet using only 100% fresh flowers. This way you always get the best quality flowers delivered in Breda. Every bouquet comes with a standard seven-day freshness guarantee. And do you follow all our care tips? Then your flowers are likely to stay beautiful for longer.