Funeral bouquet for woman
Say goodbye with a special funeral bouquet for women
Each funeral bouquet is created by our funeral florist using only the best quality fresh flowers. A ladies funeral bouquet is always generously decorated with flowers of your choice. Roses, lilies, carnations, hydrangeas and orchids are particularly popular with women, but anything is possible. A funeral bouquet is always arranged with the stems tied together. It is customary for the bouquet to be delivered to the funeral or burial site, where it is placed in water by the site manager until the ceremony. During the ceremony, the bouquet is laid flat on or near the coffin.
The colours of funeral flowers for a woman
At De Duinroos, you have a wide choice not only of types but also of colours for your funeral flowers. Although there are no rules about the colours of funeral bouquets for women, we personally always find white and pink bouquets with greenery very beautiful. These colours represent purity, happy memories and love, and are therefore very appropriate for a woman who has lived a loving life. What we also see a lot of these days is people choosing funeral bouquets in different colours. This suits women with a cheerful and positive character, for example.
Farewell bouquet for her with luxury ribbon
Each funeral bouquet can be supplied with a luxury mourning ribbon. This ribbon is of very high quality and consists of a left and a right part. It is customary to print the sender's name(s) on the left part and your final message to the deceased on the right part. This not only makes the bouquet more stylish, but also adds a personal touch.
Funeral bouquets and wreaths for women
In addition to funeral bouquets, you can also contact us for funeral pieces and funeral arrangements in special shapes, such as funeral wreaths. We have a very large collection of these, and you can also have a luxurious mourning ribbon added to these funeral pieces. A funeral arrangement is made in floral foam with a quantity of water that will keep the flowers beautiful for two to three days. The special way of arranging allows our florist not only to make larger arrangements in special shapes, but also to place the arrangement upright. This gives an even more generous effect than a funeral bouquet and is often chosen by close relatives.
Order and delivery of funeral flowers for women
All our funeral flowers for women can be delivered to any address in the Netherlands. It is customary to have them delivered to the place of the funeral, but we can also deliver the flowers to your home or the home of your loved ones. Do you have any questions about our funeral flower service or would you like help choosing the perfect funeral bouquet for a woman? Then please contact our florist without obligation. As an experienced in-house florist for a large number of funeral homes, we can always help you. We are here for you.