Wonderful in white bouquet

Wonderful in white bouquet

Duurzame bloemist

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Wonderful in white bouquet

Oh dear, what a beautiful white bouquet! Rhyming, alliterative and white as snow. This bouquet is reminiscent of the melting snow on a sunny winter morning, slowly revealing the green grass. Generously arranged with a combination of white roses, gerberas and lysianthus, this is a bouquet to dream about.

  • Ordered before 13:45 (Sat before 11:45), delivered today
  • Sustainable florist
  • 7 day freshness guarantee


Reviews from actual customers, monitored by WebwinkelKeur. Learn more.
  • Erik Velden 11/20/2024
    Schitterend boeket
  • Maaike Van Weering 11/6/2024
    Mooi boeket, voldeed aan de beschrijving op de website! Zag er keurig uit!
  • Jose Van Keulen 10/22/2024
    Vers en prachtig

Care tips

Cut flowers diagonally

Flowers can then better absorb sufficient water. Also make sure that no leaves hang or come into the water to prevent bacteria.

Take a clean, suitable vase

This prevents bacteria in the water and it gives the stems space. Don't forget to add the cut flower food.

Not on the road...

... by the stove or next to fruit. The wind, heat and ethylene from the fruit cause the flowers to wilt more quickly.

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